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Launch of the DEFI-VN in Senegal

The official launch of the DEFI-VN project took place in Dakar on March 22nd in the presence of many institutional personalities, including Pierre Bédier, President of the French Department of Yvelines, MM. Mamadou Talla, National Education Minister, representatives of the Directorate for School Construction and of the French Development Agency (AFD).

This project, co-financed by the AFD via la Facilité de financement des collectivités territoriales (FICOL) is being implemented by the Yvelines Department in partnership with the three Departments of Fouta, Podor, and Kanel with operational and technical support from the NGO Le Partenariat and AVN. It carries on from the NV Fouta project implemented since 2016 in North Senegal, aiming to integrate the NV eco-construction training programme with those offered by the three local Professional Training Centres, and have it recognised via official certification (CQB/CQP), as offered in Burkina Faso last season .

Nicolas Dupuy, Technical Director and Coordinator in Senegal of Le Partenariat gave a presentation of the NV technique during the launch ceremony, supported by a convincing intervention from Pierre Bédier citing the example of the many community buildings completed over the last few years as part of the NV Fouta project. Mamadou Dia, President of the Department of Podor, also intervened, stressing the importance of official recognition of the NV technical concept as part of the formalisation of the NV market.

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