Better Building in Africa

Operational Partners

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The Nubian Vault technique is disseminated by operational partners who adopt AVN’s deployment strategy and duplicate it in their own action zones.

  • Read here for information on the strategy, methodology and partner roles in the dissemination of the Nubian Vault concept in the Sahel

These partners benefit from AVN’s technical and methodological support, coordinated through a Sahelian Network of Nubian Vault Developers.

Rural awareness raising campaign in Burkina Faso

This operational partner can be:

  • A farmers’ organization, a basic community organization, an association of artisans, or a professional federation interested in deploying the Nubian Vault in its action zones
  • A regional or national civil society organization, or a national NGO
  • An international NGO, having enough resources to ensure the development of one or more Implementation Territories

To ensure the duplication of Implementation Units in their action zones, the partners have to :

  • Mobilize in favor of adapted housing in the Sahel and the evolution of the construction sector
  • Adopt AVN’s method for the deployment of the NV technique
  • Be strongly rooted locally, facilitating the relationships with others actors in their territories
  • Be able to raise the necessary funding to develop Implementation Units
  • Contribute to the monitoring and evaluation organized by AVN and shared through the Sahelian Network of Nubian Vault Developers

Animation of the Sahelian Network of Nubian Vault Developers

In recent years, AVN has evolved its intervention strategy by transferring to third partners its methodology for promoting Nubian Vault construction.

AVN can also provide support functions: training of masons, technical support, quality control, monitoring and evaluation, etc.

The Sahelian Network of Nubian Vault Developers promotes skills transfer, exchanges of good practice and the optimization of deployment methods. This network is a lever for promoting an adapted housing culture in the Sahel. In other words, it is an instrument of technical progress for the community of Nubian Vault Developers, and undertakes advocacy to accelerate the deployment of this solution.

AVN manages this Sahelian Network of Nubian Vault Developers. It involves transferring skills to the partners and facilitating exchanges between the network’s members, giving substance to the collective they constitute and valuing the benefits to be gained from working together.

Current Operational Partners

Operational Partners in Burkina Faso

Fédération Nationale des Groupements Naam (FNGN)
Site internet
Zones d’intervention : Région Nord, Région Boucle du Mouhoun, Région Plateau Central, Région Centre

Association Provinciale des Artisans et Groupement d’Artisans Nong-taaba du Boulgou (APAGAN-B)
Zones d’intervention : Province de Boulgou, Province de Koulpelogo

Union Régionale des Productrices de Dolo de la Boucle du Mouhoun (URPD-BM-BINKADI)
Zones d’intervention : Province du Mouhoun, Province de Nayala, Province de Banwa, Province de Sourou, Province de Kossi

Association Tind Yalgré (ATY)
Site Internet
Zones d’intervention : Region de plateau Central, Province de Passoré

Association des Femmes Engagées pour le Développement du Nord (AFEDN)
Zones d’intervention :

Association Provinciale des Artisans de Koulpelogo (APAK)
Zones d’intervention :

Association Entraide Familiale (AEF)
Zones d’intervention :

Association pour la Promotion du Genre et de l’épanouissement de la Femme (APGEF)
Zones d’intervention :

Operational Partners in Mali

COnvergence des FEmmes Rurales pour la Souveraineté Alimentaire (COFERSA)
Zones d’intervention : Cercle de Sikasso

Coordination des Associations Féminines (CAFO)
Zones d’intervention : Cercle de Tominian

Union des Sociétés Coopératives des Producteurs de Céréales de Diédougou (USCPCD)
Zones d’intervention : Cercle de Dioïla

Union des Sociétés Coopératives des Producteurs Céréaliers du Cercle de Barouéli (Yèrènyèton)
Zones d’intervention : Cercle de Barouéli

Operational Parners in Senegal

Le Partenariat (LP)
Site Internet
Zones d’intervention : Départements de Matam, Podor et Kanel

Operational Partners in Ghana

El Ehsan Charitable Relief Foundation (ECRF)
Site Internet
Zones d’intervention : Zone de Garu

Mihoso International
Site Internet
Zones d’intervention : Zone de Garu

Operational Partners in Benin

Association Villageoise de Gestion des Réserves de Faune (AVIGREF)
Site Internet
Zones d’intervention : Commune de Tanguiéta

Union Communale des Coopératives de Producteurs d’Anacarde de Ouaké (UCCPA-Ouaké)
Zones d’intervention : Commune de Ouaké