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Benin: AVN’s national office inaugurated

AVN-Benin’s national office was inaugurated on March 30th at Djougou in the presence of institutional guests (local mayors, and representatives of the Ministère du cadre de vie et Développement Durable, and the Ministère de la Formation Professionnelle), technical actors (professional training centres, artisans’ collectives), NGO’s, and those involved in AVN’s programme.

In addition to being the base for AVN’s Donga branch, this new building will serve as a show house for the local region. The office has been designed as an example of a NV urban building, with low maintenance finishes. Through this technique, AVN hopes to win the adoption of the NV concept by local institutions, development actors, and construction firms.

Everyone invited to the inauguration appreciated the aesthetic qualities of the building, but were particularly impressed by how comfortably cool it was, as well as by the many local impacts generated by this type of construction: preservation of the environment, socio-economic development, job creation etc.

As well as showcasing the building, this event was an opportunity for AVN to explore potential collaboration leads with the participants. The Collectif des Artisans and the Centre de la Formation Professionnelle of Djougou, as well as the Direction Départementale de la Formation Professionnelle were very interested in AVN’s core training activities.

A second inauguration phase will be carried out in the the coming months, to target the local farmers’ organisations and gauge their interest in accompanying AVN in the promotion of the concept.

Galerie Photo

AVN's office in Djougou
Inauguration of AVN's office in Djougou (Benin)
Inauguration of AVN's office in Djougou (Benin)
Inauguration of AVN's office in Djougou (Benin)
Inauguration of AVN's office in Djougou (Benin)
Inauguration of AVN's office in Djougou (Benin)